MALTING BARLEY GROWER CLUB- 2019 March 11, 2019, All

The tradition of Soufflet Agro Romania's organization the Malting barley growers clubs continues this year, the first club took place in Transylvania area.
The meeting was held in Turda, at Salis Hotel, there were presents an important number of farmers interested in this crop.

This kind of meeting has the purpose of giving the farmers as much information as possible about the technology of malting barley crop and of promoting the benefits of this culture.

The main topics approached were the following:

<>-Malting barley technology
  • The history of malting barley crop in Transylvania
  • Quality parameters for purchasing malting barley
  • Adjuvants
  • Soufflet Agro Romania will be near farmers and collaborators with useful tips, pertinent and professional solutions by organizing innovative agronomic events in order to have rich and qualitative harvests.

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